Post Jam Patch Baby!

Hey guess what we, updated the game today! Here are the humble patch notes:

  • Fixed some bugs with the ending being hard to get to, basically just made it easier to talk to The Maw
  • Fixed some other bugs
  • HUGE dialogue improvements across the board, including fixed typos, new colored key words, and Restored cut content / new LORE
  • There's a bug where the NVIDIA Flex water stops appearing for subsequent runs, so I added some backup regular particles.
  • There's a mac build but I don't know if it works. Someone let me know.

Enjoy, and remember 2 rate the games you play!


Campbell's Summer of Soup and Sacrifice - 57 MB
May 04, 2021
Campbell's Summer of Soup Mac 64 MB
May 04, 2021

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